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Licence A) Restricted personal use

1 x Copy of interview

1 x Licence for restricted use of the content. Examples of permitted use under this licence are:

- On a personal social media profile such as Facebook

Licence B) Restricted company use

1 x Copy of interview

1 x Licence for restricted use of the content. Examples of permitted use under this licence are:

- On a private company network such as an Intranet for employee training or internal promotion purposes

Licence C) Limited Public use for company with <50 employees

1 x Copy of interview

1 x Licence for restricted use of the content. Examples of permitted use under this licence are:

- On a private company network such as an Intranet for employee training or internal promotion purposes

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Licence D) Limited Public use for company with 50+ employees - Price on application

1 x Copy of interview

1 x Licence for restricted use of the content. Examples of permitted use under this licence are:

- On a private company network such as an Intranet for employee training or internal promotion purposes

- On a company website which is accessible to the public

- On a company social media network such as Facebook or Twitter

- It is not permitted to use this content in any paid marketing material, such as a boosted Facebook post or through a content acqusition platform such as Outbrain. To request a quote on using material in this manner, please contact

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